Woods, V., Geller, E.H., & Cross, V. (2021) An Adventure in Remote Instruction: Research Methods in Psychology. Teaching Psychology Online. [eBook chapter] American Psychological Society, Society for Teaching of Psychology.
Givvin, K. B., Geller, E. H., & Stigler, J. W. (2019) How teachers introduce algebra and how it might affect students’ beliefs about what it means to “do” mathematics. In Kilhamn, C. & Säljö, R. (Eds.) Encountering Algebra: A Comparative Study of Classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA (pp.139-163). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Geller, E. H., Son, J. Y., & Stigler, J. W. (2017) Conceptual explanations and understanding fraction comparisons. Learning and Instruction, 52: 122-129 [pdf]
Stigler, J. W., Geller, E. H., & Givvin, K. B. (2015) Zaption: A platform to support teaching, and learning about teaching, with video. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 11(2): 13-25. [pdf]
Bufford, C. A., Mettler, E., Geller, E. H., & Kellman, P. J. (2014) The psychophysics of algebra expertise: Mathematics perceptual learning interventions produce durable encoding changes. Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting of the Cognitive Sciences Society (CogSci); 2014 July 23 – 26; Quebec City, Canada.
Papers in Progress
Cui, L. & Geller, E. H. (in preparation). Using comparison and variation in statistics word problems to support learning of deep structure.
Eberhard, J., & Geller, E. H. (in preparation). The use of adjunct questions in video learning.
Fukuda, K., & Geller, E. H. (in preparation). The role of refutation and surprise in addressing misconceptions.
Geller, E. H. & Stigler, J.W. (in preparation). Self-paced segments and section headings: Challenges of replicating principles of multimedia instruction in instructional video.
Ibrahim, D. & Geller, E.H. (2023, November) Effective peer instruction: Evidence for the benefits of peer-to-peer interaction and guided self-explanations in F2F and remote courses. Talk presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society; November 16-19; San Francisco, CA.
Pilegard, C., Woods, V. E., Ditta, A. S., Cross, V. L., Albada, N. A., Paquette-Smith, M., Geller, E. H., & Rinehart, J. K. (2023, October) Getting by with a little help from your friends (who have jobs like yours): Cultivating an inter-campus community of practice. Symposium presented at the Society for Teaching of Psychology’s 22nd Annual Conference on Teaching; October 5-7, 2023. Portland, OR.
Geller, E.H. (2021, November) Designing effective video learning: A classroom study of adjunct questions and feedback in video learning modules. Talk presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society; November 4-7; Virtual format. [recording]
Pilegard, C. C., Geller, E. H., & Fan, J. E. (2021, October) Converting your research proposal assignment into a preregistration assignment. Talk presented at the Society for Teaching of Psychology’s 20th Annual Conference on Teaching; October 14-16, 2021. Virtual format. [recording]
Geller, E. H. (2021, September) Learning and teaching R with Jupyter notebooks. Talk presented at the 3rd annual UC Psychology Teaching and Learning Conference: Equitable Teaching Practices in Psychological Research Methods and Statistics; September 13-14, 2021. Virtual format. [recording]
Geller, E. H. (2021, September) Using peer instruction to deepen understanding through discussion of errors. Talk presented at the 3rd annual UC Psychology Teaching and Learning Conference: Equitable Teaching Practices in Psychological Research Methods and Statistics; September 13-14, 2021. Virtual format. [recording]
Geller, E. H. (2020, October) Learning from video: Using cognitive psychology to improve understanding in multimedia lessons. Talk presented at the Society for Teaching of Psychology’s 19th Annual Conference on Teaching; October 4-10, 2020. Virtual format. [recording]
Geller, E. H. & Pilegard, C. (2020, September) Synchronous storytelling: Ideas for large lecture courses. Talk presented at the 2nd annual UC Psychology Teaching and Learning Conference; September 17-18, 2020. Virtual format. [recording]
Paquette-Smith, M. & Geller, E. H. (2020, September) Reimagining lab/discussion sections: Asynchronous activities. Talk presented at the 2nd annual UC Psychology Teaching and Learning Conference; September 17-18, 2020. Virtual format. [recording]
Ibrahim, D. & Geller, E.H. (2023, October) Effective peer instruction: Evidence for the benefits of peer-to-peer interaction and guided self-explanations in F2F and remote courses. Poster presented at the Society for Teaching of Psychology’s 22nd Annual Conference on Teaching; October 5-7, 2023. Portland, OR. [pdf]
Zung, I. & Geller, E. H. (2023, August). Implications of adjunct question feedback on learning and metacognitive accuracy. Poster presented at the 14th Biennial meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC); August 9-12, 2023; Nagoya, Japan. [pdf]
Widjaja, T. I. & Geller, E. H. (2023, May). The effects of refutation and self-explanation on the learning styles misconception. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC); May 12, 2023; Los Angeles, CA. [pdf]
LaTona-Tequida, T., White, I., & Geller, E. H. (2023, February) Using refutation to address a graphical misconception in calculus. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America); February 23-25; Omaha, Nebraska. [pdf]
Ibrahim, D. & Geller, E. H. (2022, November) The merits of peer discussion and self-explanation in multimedia learning environments. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society; November 17-20; Virtual format. [pdf]
Zung, I. & Geller, E. H. (2022, November) Effects of adjunct question feedback on learning and metacognition. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society; November 17-20; Virtual format. [pdf]
Ibrahim, D., Kamura, S. K., & Geller, E. H. (2022, May) The influence of peer discussion and attendance modality on student success in remote courses. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society (APS); May 26-29; Chicago, IL. [pdf]
Yang, H. & Geller, E. H. (2022, May) No significant impact of subtitle length or language on video learning among EFL students. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society (APS); May 26-29; Chicago, IL. [pdf]
Yu, A. M., Geller, E. H., & Dobkins, K. (2022, May) Examining the learning effects of self-explanation in different modalities: Writing, thinking, and speaking. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society (APS); May 26-29; Chicago, IL. [pdf]
Yu, L. & Geller, E. H. (2022, May) Student learning affected by motivation and effort but not feedback on adjunct questions. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society (APS); May 26-29; Chicago, IL. [pdf]
Zung, I., & Geller, E. H. (2022, May) Adjunct question feedback impacts metacognitive accuracy but not learning in instructional video. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society (APS); May 26-29; Chicago, IL. [pdf]
Salem, J., & Geller, E. H. (2021, August). Effects of Combining Refutation and Self-Explanation on Student Learning. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 43, No. 43). [pdf]
Sheel, S. K. & Geller, E. H. (2020, November) Segmenting in multimedia learning. Poster presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society; November 19-22; Virtual format. [pdf]
Amiraslani, S. H. & Geller, E. H. (2019, May). Drawing to learn abstract scientific concepts. Poster presented at the 28th Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC); May 10, 2019; Los Angeles, CA. [pdf]
Delay, C. & Geller, E. H. (2019, May). The effect of “seductive animations” on multimedia learning. Poster presented at the 28th Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC); May 10, 2019; Los Angeles, CA. [pdf]
Zhao, F. & Geller, E. H. (2019, May). The effect of feedback on multimedia learning with adjunct questions. Poster presented at the 28th Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC); May 10, 2019; Los Angeles, CA. [pdf]
Eberhard, J., & Geller, E. H. (June 2018). The use of adjunct questions in video learning. USCD Psychology Honors Poster Session. [pdf]
Fukuda, K., & Geller, E. H. (June 2018). The role of refutation and surprise in addressing misconceptions. USCD Psychology Honors Poster Session. [pdf]
Geller, E. H. & Stigler, J. W. (November 2017). What students learn from instructional video: Applications of the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society; November 9-12; Vancouver, BC, Canada. [pdf]
Cui, L., Geller, E. H.*, & Stigler, J. W. (May 2017). Using variation and comparison to help students recognize structural features of statistics word problems. 29th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society (APS); May 25-28; Boston, MA. *presenting author [pdf]
Geller, E. H. & Stigler, J. W. (July 2015). Using advance organizers to improve learning from video. 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci); July 23-25; Pasadena, CA. [pdf]
Geller, E. H., Son, J. Y., & Stigler, J. W. (2013, July). Explanation and fractions: How preference for types of explanations affects learning. 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci); July 31 – August 3; Berlin, Germany. [pdf]